The Charter #JamaisSansElles for the 2017 presidential candidates

The Charter #JamaisSansElles for the 2017 presidential candidates

In the context of the 2017 presidential elections, the movement #JamaisSansElles proposed a Charter to the candidates so they could  commit to defending and promoting gender equality at all levels in the public sphere.

By signing the Charter the candidates undertake to:

1. In Government: entrust women with governmental ministries, to ensure that key roles are allocated to women in ministerial offices, to appoint women to senior positions in central government administrations.

2. State Actions: make pay equity a major political objective, but also to give women a voice in public events organized by public authorities (debates, round tables, conferences, summits).

3. Across the Nation: appoint women to managerial positions in devolved  administrations  and to encourage similar commitments in decentralized administrations.

4. Abroad: designate women ambassadors in strategic countries as well as to decision-making positions in embassies and consulates and to key posts in international organizations.

5. State Representation: ensure the mixed composition of delegations accompanying official visits, particularly abroad, across all segments (political, administrative, corporate and in civil society).

Emmanuel Macron (of En Marche) and Benoît Hamon (of the Socialist Party) signed the charter #JamaisSansElles for the 2017 presidential elections.

Tweets translated in English by #JamaisSansElles.

Charte #JamaisSansElles pour la Présidentielle 2017

En savoir plus :
Bureau de l’association
Conseil féminin