For the first time since its creation in 2006, France will host the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), which is organized annually by the United Nations. The IGF, an indispensable Internet event, will be focusing this year on the “The Internet of Trust”, and will be held November 12 -14, 2018 at UNESCO, Paris.
For Inclusive Internet Governance
For this occasion the French Government, civil society, the private sector, and the academic world are working together in close collaboration with the United Nations General Secretariat to hold the event at UNESCO. The Association #JamaisSansElles has been involved since the beginning.
Roundtable #JamaisSansElles: “Reclaiming ICTs for a More Humane World”
Within the IGF #JamaisSansElles is putting together, in co-development with Media Matters for Democracy (Pakistan), a round table which will focus on two main areas of the evolution of society: moving towards greater democratic participation, notably in environments where information sharing channels and citizen expression were extremely limited or non-existent before the advent of the digital revolution; and towards the shared and equal participation of women in all political, economic, social and symbolic activities.
The roundtable will examine, in particular, how the use of digital tools and networks can contribute to the establishment of new, more effective and more responsive, democratic processes, on the one hand, and the conditions for the real inclusion of women in all sectors of the public and professional spheres on the other hand.
Round Table:
Gender Issues and Democratic Participation: reclaiming ICTs for a Humane World.
Monday, November 12 from 10:30 – 12:30 at UNESCO (Room 8).
- Sophie Viger, General Manager of 42 in Paris and Silicon Valley
- Ankhi Das, Director of Public Policy for Facebook India, South and Central Asia
- Sacha Quester-Séméon, Entrepreneur and Founding Member of the Movement #JamaisSansElles
- Anja Kovacs runs the Internet Democracy Project in Delhi. India.
- Isabelle Galy, Deputy Director of Operations at the Learning Lab “Human Change”, teaches Innovative Technologies Law at the CNAM Engineering School.
Debate moderated by Sylvain Attal.
The Internet Governance Forum from 12 to 14 November 2018
Registration required before November 3rd.
Meeting at the Unesco, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris.
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