One year ago, approximately 60 male and female MPs joined forces with #JamaisSansElles, thus joining nearly 300 leaders, politicians and ministers from several countries (France, Germany, Denmark), the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, ambassadors, NGOs and several large firms.

On 17 June 2019 the symposium “For Shared Governance” will take place in the National Assembly forum in Paris: In order to take stock of the commitment made and to think together (men and women, civil society, the world of work, public authorities) about the prospects for joint action based on trust and individual responsibility; and on the benefits of governance that is truly shared, for a peaceful, open and inclusive society.
The issue here is above all societal and human, resolutely non-categorical: for #JamaisSansElles: Feminism is Humanism!
#JamaisSansElles: Gender Equality in Action
By promoting concrete initiatives in favor of gender diversity, and the equal participation, representation, empowerment and visibility of women – in different decision-making platforms and in all sectors of society – the association #JamaisSansElles has generated, since 2016, a widespread movement of stakeholders, torchbearers and supporters that communicate via social networks and fulfill their commitments in firms and right into the heart of the representative body of the people.
Michael Roth, German Minister of State for Europe, and guest of honour of our symposium, joined forces with #JamaisSansElles over one year ago. Last September he invited Tatiana F-Salomon, co-president of our association, to Berlin as guest of honor at the EuropaFest at Villa Borsig. He had launched an appeal via video from Berlin.
All our male and female speakers are committed to gender equality in France and Germany!
>> Program <<
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For shared governance.
#JamaisSansElles: Gender Equality in Action
17 June at Hôtel de Lassay, National Assembly
Under the patronage of Richard Ferrand (President of the National Assembly), Coralie Dubost (MP for Hérault department) and Tatiana F-Salomon (Co-president of #JamaisSansElles) look forward to welcoming you to the symposium “For Shared Governance. #JamaisSansElles: Gender Equality in Action”
Monday 17 June 2019 at the National Assembly from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm.
In the presence of Michael Roth, German Minister of State for Europe
Coralie Dubost, MP and #JamaisSansElles ambassadress to MPs, Tatiana F-Salomon, Co-president of #JamaisSansElles, Natacha Quester-Séméon, spokesperson.
9:30 am – Welcome Message
9:45 am – Round table
How does gender equality improve decision-making? In what way is gender balance beneficial to firms?
10:30 am – Great Witnesses
Actors on the ground: They take action!
Volunteers, entrepreneurs and teachers work for gender equality and diversity…
11:00 am – Speeches
Michael Roth, German Minister of State for Europe
Amélie de Montchalin, French Minister of State for European Affairs
11:30 am – Round table
How do we promote gender equality in Europe?
12:00 pm – Speech
Jean-Michel Blanquer, French Minister of National Education and Youth
12:20 pm – Conclusion
In the presence of Michael Roth, German Minister of State for Europe
Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education and Youth
Amélie de Montchalin, French Minister of State for European Affairs
Bouchera Azzouz, President of the association Féminisme populaire
Abdellah Boudour, Founding President of Dictée pour tous (Dictation for Everyone)
Pauline Carmona, Deputy Director of Asia and Oceania at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and President of “Women and Diplomacy”
Muriel Domenach, Secretary General of the Interministerial Committee for the Prevention of Delinquency and Radicalization
Guy Mamou-Mani, Co-president of #JamaisSansElles and Co-president of Group Open
Nicolas Noguier, President and founder of the association Le Refuge
Laurence Parisot, Chairwoman of Citigroup in France
Etienne Parizot, Astrophysicist, Co-leader of the French delegation of the G20 Women 20 Engagement group
Carlo Purassanta, President of Microsoft France
Sacha Quester-Séméon, Founding member of #JamaisSansElles
Rubin Sfadj, Lawyer, Founding member of #JamaisSansElles
Benoit Thieulin, Former president of CNNum (French Digital Counci), Member of the CESE (Economic, Social and Environmental Council)
Sophie Viger, Director of École 42
Germany's Minister of State for Europe, @MiRo_SPD, announces his commitment to the #JamaisSansElles actions and calls for a pan-european and worldwide adoption of the pledge.
— JamaisSansElles (@JamaisSansElles) September 5, 2018
cc @JY_LeDrian @NathalieLoiseau @MiRo_SPD @FranceDiplo @FemmesDiplo #EuropaFest
[Video] Is feminism humanism? Answer from @jmblanquer, France’s Minister of National Education. cc @JSE_en #France #Education #GenderDiversity #JamaisSansElles
— JamaisSansElles (@JamaisSansElles) April 16, 2018
"Si tu veux construire un bateau, fais naître dans le cœur de tes hommes et femmes le désir de la mer" #SaintExupéry. J -11 avant le colloque "Pour une gouvernance partagée". Le vaisseau #JamaisSansElles hisse ses voiles. #MixitéImmédiate #GouvernancePartagée ???
— tatiana f salomon ? (@tfsalomon) June 6, 2019
??? 40 male and female deputies commit themselves to #JamaisSansElles (“Never Without Her”) by adopting a simple but effective code of conduct to promote gender diversity at all levels of society. Let's not leave out half of humanity! #GenderEquality
— #JamaisSansElles (Never Without Her) in english (@JSE_en) June 9, 2018
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