#JamaisSansElles is a movement that supports gender diversity, promoted by two hundred humanist entrepreneurs, players from the digital world, the media, education, and politics who are accustomed to participating in debates and public events, but who now refuse to take part if there are no women present.
Since the appeal was launched in March 2018 by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to have the French Diplomatic corps join forces with #JamaisSansElles, thirty ambassadors and consuls have committed themselves personally as well as on behalf of their embassies.
About sixty French MPs and senators have joined the movement, as well as one MEP.

Signataires : 800 leaders, diplomats and MPs
Tatiana F-Salomon, strategy consultant, journalist, 3D architect, humanist. Founding President of the humanist association Les Humains Associés established in 1984. Co-founder of Girl Power 3.0, co-president of the Club des gentlemen. She is the Founder and president of the movement #JamaisSansElles. Complete bio.
Xavier Alberti, CEO of Châteaux & Hôtels Collection, co-president of #JamaisSansElles, founder of La Transition.
Natacha Quester-Séméon, digital strategist, photographer, co-founder of Girl Power 3, spokesperson of #JamaisSansElles.
Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister for Education.
Guy Mamou-Mani, co-chairman of the Open Group, former president of Syntec Numérique, ex-VP of the National Digital Council (CNNum), co-president of the Gentlemen’s Club, co-president of #JamaisSansElles.
Benoît Thieulin, director of the Netscouade, former president of CNNum.
Alexandre Jardin, writer, co-founder of the ‘Lire et faire lire’ (To Read and Have Them Read) and ‘Bleu, blanc, zèbre’ (Blue, White, Zebra) associations.
Henri Verdier, interdepartmental director of Digital Technology.
Gilles Babinet, chairman of the Board Captain Dash, former chairman of CNNum, Digital Champion representing France at the European Commission on Digital Issues.
Pierre Haski, journalist, co-founder of Rue89, president of Reporters Without Borders.
Henri Gibier, journalist, director of Les Echos (a French daily Financial newspaper), in charge of editorial development projects, editorial director of Les Echos Week-End.
Sylvain Attal, deputy director at France 24 in charge of new media / chief digital content editor and Mashable France.
Claude Posternak, founder of L’Important.
Etienne Parizot, astrophysicist and professor at Paris Diderot University, APC laboratory.
Jean-Paul Lilienfeld, director and screenwriter.
David-Hervé Boutin, entrepreneur, associate audiovisual production group, co-founder #ArtistsALaUne.
Rubin Sfadj, attorney at Law.
François Momboisse, president of Fevad and Ecommerce_EU, founding member of The Transition.
Eric Ingargiola, digital activist.
Sacha Quester-Séméon, entrepreneur at youARhere.
Peter Gabor, graphic designer and typographer, teacher and researcher in Graphic Arts Education.
Benoît Raphaël, digital and media innovator, entrepreneur, co-founder of Trendsboard / Flint, co-creator of Le Lab d’Europe1.
Michel Janneau, deputy managing director of Champagne Louis Roederer, secretary general of the Louis Roederer Foundation.
Etienne Gernelle, general manager of Le Point magazine.
Louis Dreyfus, publisher and chairman of the Executive Board of Le Monde Group.
Eric Mettout, deputy editor of Express magazine.
Alain Juppé, Mayor of Bordeaux, President of Bordeaux Métropole, former Prime Minister of France.
Jacques Attali, writer, editorial writer at L’Express magazine, president of Positive Planet Foundation and of the A&A Group, chairman of the Supervisory Board of
Olivier Abecassis, director of innovation and digital technology at TF1 Group.
Eric Scherer, director of Forecasting at France Télévisions, journalist, former Director of Strategy at AFP, author and member of ONA jury (Online Journalism Awards).
Jacques-Antoine Granjon, entrepreneur, founder and CEO of
Yann Bonnet, secretary general of the Conseil national du numérique (French Digital Council, CNNum).
Dominique Delport, CEO World Havas Media Group, chairman Vivendi Content.
Nicolas Bordas, vice president at TBWA/EUROPE & DAN EUROPE, president of BEING Worldwide
David Lacombled, president of La Villa Numeris (think tank) and president of the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB France).
Nicolas Voisin, activist Mains_tenant, previously founder of OWNI.
Bruno Janet, advisor to the CEO of Orange, president of BJC (Bruno Janet Council).
Thierry Taboy, vice president of CSR at the Orange Group.
Damien Viel, managing director of Twitter France
Christopher Abboud, head of communications, Southern Europe at Stripe
Nicolas Sekkaki, president IBM France.
Silvano Sansoni, vice-president sales at IBM France.
Jean Rottner, Vice President of the Grand Est region (Alsace, Champagne, Ardennes), former mayor of Mulhouse.
Pierre Auberger, director of communication at Bouygues Group.
Joël de Rosnay, author, scientist, advisor to the president of Universcience (Cité des sciences et de l’industrie and Palais de la découverte in Paris)
Nils Aziosmanoff, president and co-founder of Cube (centre for digital creation), Issy les Moulineaux.
Stanislas Pottier, global head sustainable development Crédit Agricole, Member of Board “Generation Libre”, President FXB France.
Cédric Teissier, founder of Finexkap. Board Member France Fintech. Fintech advisor of World Economic Forum.
Mathieu Jeandron, director of digital education at Ministry of Education.
Nicolas Chagny, chairman of Internet Society France and general manager of « Les Argonautes », Makheia – Groupe de Communication.
Frédéric Sebag, co-chair of Groupe Open and ex-president of Tours FC.
Frédéric Charles, director of digital strategy & innovation at SUEZ Smart Solutions.
Stéphane Distinguin, founder and president of Faber Novel, president of Cap Digital, investor.
Bruno Vanryb, president and founder at BE BRAVE, associated and senior partner AVOLTA.
Philippe Montarges, open source contractor, founder @alterway, co-president @cnll.
Damien Douani, entrepreneur, digital media and innovation expert.
Aymeric Poulain Maubant, entrepreneur.
Olivier Ezratty, consultant and author, innovation strategy consultant
Claude Malaison, entrepreneur, Montreal.
Didier Carré, vice president at Mines informatique and member of steering committee at Institut G9+, vice president extraordinaire for the European Internet Forum, CECUA (European Confederation of Associations of Information Technology Users)
Rémi Prunier, chairman of digital committee at IESF, communication manager G9 + Institute, investment manager at Orange Digital Ventures
Antoine Sire, film historian, associate editor of ‘Paris Fait Son cinéma’.
Nicolas Antonini, Entrepreneur.
Jérôme Wallut, associate at ICP Consulting.
Pierre-Alain Muller, vice president Université de Haute-Alsace, vice president for Innovation at UHA 4.0, full professor of computer science at UHA, France, vice-president of Rhénatic.
Alain Assouline, founding president of the Argonauts, founder and president of the Webforce3 schools network
François-Luc Moraud, co-chairman of l’Association des professionnels du Numérique en Aquitaine, founder and president of digital and print edition house Mobilibook.
Laurent Depond, associate director at Valeurs et Développement – Collaboration and Inclusion.
Philippe Saurel, Mayor of Montpellier, President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole.
Ludovic Charbonnel, CEO and co-founder of @ServicesYou
Godefroy Beauvallet, former vice-president of Public Services and Civic Life at National Digital Council (CNNum), head of Product Design and Ecosystem at AXA Group.
Emmanuel Caillaud, university professor in mechanical and Industrial engineering at the University of Strasbourg.
Godefroy de Bentzmann, president Syntec Numérique, co-president of Devoteam.
Mike Fedida, head of Institutional Relations at Renaissance Numérique (Think Tank).
Henri Isaac, Président Think Tank Renaissance Numérique @RNumerique. Professor @Paris_Dauphine@psl_univ Dir. Master Management Télécom & Media @lemaster226.
Arnaud Hacquin, president of Cluster Aquitain Transmedia Storytelling, CEO of Jardin des marques.
Stéphane Marchand, executive officer at Entreprise et progrès.
Thierry Vonfelt, regional delegate, Syntec Numérique Est (Alsace Lorraine Champagne-Ardenne).
Thierry Bonhomme, executive director and deputy general manager of Orange Business Services.
Pierre Louis Biaggi, vice president of Connectivity Business Unit Orange Business Services.
Paul-Henri Pillet, head of Business Development,
Olivier Bernasson, entrepreneur, co-founder and director @pecheurcom, CEO of AirsportFR, investor.
Joël Courtois, general manager of EPITA.
Franck Morales, VP marketing, BU Connectivity, Orange Business Services.
Frédéric Bardeau, president of the school
Laurent Guez, editor-in-chief of Le Parisien Mag, deputy director of the editorial office of Les Echos Week-End and Les Echos Business.
Alain Houpert, politician, member of French Senate, represents the Côte-d’Or department.
Olivier Schimpf, co-founder and president of RA’pro (association for the promotion of augmented reality).
Didier Testot, entrepreneur, journalist and founder of Web TV: ‘La bourse et la vie’ (The stock market and Life).
Grégory Haïk, president of Trustelem, president of the Security Commission of Eurocloud France.
André Sobczak, academic director and holder of the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Chair at Audencia Business School.
Luc Bretones, executive vice-president of the Orange Technocentre and head of Orange Vallée, vice president at Institut G9+ and Board Member at SoftAtHome.
Stephane Dahan, director of recruitement and engineering careers at Group ALTEN.
Mathieu Maire du Poset, deputy general director of Ulule (crowdfunding platform).
Stéphane Richard, CEO of Orange.
Yves Jégo, Deputy Mayor of Montereau (Seine-et-Marne), 1st Vice President of l’UDI.
Stéphane Reboud, vice-president EMEA Services (Europe Middle-East Africa) DELL EMC, general manager & executive director France CSMB DELL SA
Eric Warin, director of CCO (Centre de communication de l’ouest), initiator of network and of Printemps des Fameuses.
Richard Remaud, former president of the French Federation of Badminton.
Djamchid Dalili, founder of the 3W Academy.
Yves Poilane, director of Telecom ParisTech, VP of the association Pasc@line.
Jérôme Papin, deputy director, in charge of Eurosport 1 et 2 radio.
Pierre Larrouturou, Economist, Co-chair at Nouvelle_Donne
Jacques Fayolle, director of Télécom Saint-Etienne VP CDEFI (Conference of Directors of French Schools of Engineering).
Cyril Bauchais, president of the Orange Group’s LGBT network: Mobilisnoo.
Guillaume Milert, executive director at Arvato Bertelsmann and CEO at Boost Expert.
Yann Trichard, co-founder and CEO of Syd Conseil and president of the CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) at Nantes St Nazaire.
Alain Krakovitch, managing director of SNCF Transilien.
Danish deputies of the Alternativet party.
Yannick Bolloré, CEO of Havas Group, member of the Executive Committee.
Emmanuel Macron, President of France (June 2017), founder of the party En Marche, former Minister for the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs.
Frédéric Motte, president Medef (French Business Confederation) Lille Métropole and Hauts de France, Honorary Mayor of Beaucamps Ligny.
Christophe Greuet, journalist at Midi Libre and creator of La PressTech.
Cyrille Vigneron, managing director Cartier Europe, President and CEO of Cartier.
Jean-Christophe Lagarde, president of the UDI (Union of Democrats and Independents), Deputy Mayor of Drancy.
Mikkel Svane, CEO and co-founder of the Zendesk Group (customer software service provider), San Francisco.
Philippe Sersot, president of CRIP (Club of infrastructure and productions managers) and deputy CEO of Crédit Agricole SILCA.
Julien Aguin, Municipal Councilor at Voisenon, member of the national office of the Young Radicals, Departmental Delegate of Youth UDI 77.
Pierre-Yves Legrand, director of Novabuild (Resource Center for sustainable construction in Pays de la Loire / accelerator BTP transitions ).
Frédéric Bedin, president of Global PR Hopscotch Group, vice president of the Committee competitiveness, innovation and attractiveness of the MEDEF (French Business Confederation).
Alexandre Poncet, director communication & public affairs Coca-Cola European Partners.
Philippe Augier, Mayor of Deauville, President of the Community of municipalities “Coeur Côte Fleurie”, President of France Congress and Events.
Guillaume Cairou, founder and group chairman Didaxis.
Arnaud Ngatcha, communication and strategy adviser, head of Partnerships and Fight Against Discrimination with Laura Flessel, Minister of Sports.
Quentin Sannié, CEO of Devialet
Philippe Oleron, President of the association Dirigeants Responsables de l’Ouest and President of the Sigma Group
David Martinon, Ambassador for Cyber Diplomacy and the Digital economy
Guillaume Vuilletet, Secrétaire de l’Assemblée Nationale / Député LREM de la 2e circonscription du Val d’Oise.
Julian Jappert, director of think tank Sport et citoyenneté.
Rand Hindi, CEO of Snips.
Nicolas Miailhe, Co-founder and president, The Future Society.
Alain Attias, CEO of Bay Bridge Digital
Colin Lalouette, CEO of appvizer
Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, France.
Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe, Germany.
Pelle Dragsted, Socialist og MF – Red-Green Socialist – member of the Danish
Olivier Klotz, Chairman of Medef Alsace, Chief Executive Officer of Heuft France
Jean-Luc Cousty, General Manager of Hôtel Lutetia
Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, Entrepreneur, investor
Nicolas Noguier, President-Founder of the association Le Refuge
Benjamin Griveaux, LREM MP for Paris (3rd and 10th district), Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, Government Spokeperson.
Frédéric Lefebvre, Lawyer, Former Minister and Member of Parliament for 92 and French living in North America (2007/2017) Co-Founder, Vice President of AGIR, President of the WNW
Arié Flack, Entrepreneur, educator, philanthropist, citizen. Founding partner, Cie Financière du Lion & InfraLion Capital. Chairman of the Flack Foundation.
Carlo Purassanta, President of Microsoft France
Márcio Gonçalves Cesário, Director Specialist Team Unit – General Manager STU France Microsoft France
Vianney Airaud, Customer Success Lead Microsoft France
Laurent Curny, Innovation – Digital Strategy – General Manager Microsoft France
Clara Silvestri, CFO (Chief Financial Officer) , Microsoft France
Cathy Mauzaize, General Manager Enterprise Commercial Microsoft France
Thierry Amarger, General Manager, Consumer and Devices Microsoft France
Laurence Lafont, General Manager Marketing & Operations Microsoft France
Alain Bernard, General Manager Division One Commercial Partner Microsoft France
Caroline Bloch, Human Resources Director Microsoft France
Caroline Caillaud, External and legal Public Affairs Director Microsoft France
Bernard Ourghanlian, CTO (Chief Technical Officer) & CSO (Chief Security Officer) Microsoft France
Laurent Schlosser, Executive Committee – Director of the Public Sector Division Microsoft France
Christophe Shaw, General Manager Commercial Software Engineering Microsoft France
Niki Hubaut, Area Change Lead Microsoft France
Marc Mossé, President of the Association Française des Juristes d’Entreprise
Director Public and Legal Affairs, Microsoft EMEA
Thierry Jadot, President at Dentsu Aegis Network France, MENA and Turkey- Lecturer at SciencesPo Paris
Pierre Calmard, General Manager Pole Media & Performance chez Dentsu Aegis Network France, and CEO iProspect
Olivier Sebag, Managing Director Dentsu Aegis Network France (creative activities) & Founder Maison Dentsu
Sabina Gros, President Carat France
Fréderic Labey, Chief Financial Officer Dentsu Aegis France
Véronique Morael, CEO Amplifi France & Chief Client & Commercial Officer Dentsu Aegis France
Benjamin Grange COO Dentsu Aegis Network France & CEO Dentsu Consulting
Francesca Sacchi Gueguen HR Director : France, Middle East, North Africa and Turkey at Dentsu Aegis Network France
Cécile Bitoun, CEO McGarrybowen France
Magali Alaux, General Counsel Dentsu Aegis France
Anne-Marie Kalinka, Managing Director Amnet France
Grégoire Peyroles, Managing Director Dentsu X
Jean-Christophe Lalevée, Managing Director Vizeum
Julien Lefevre, Director Managing at The Story Lab
Loïc Duroselle, Managing Director MKTG France
Nathaël Duboc, Managing Director Gyro
Orlie Allali, Purchasing and Work Environment Manager at Dentsu Aegis France
Sébastien Zanini, Creative Director, Managing Director Gyro
Thomas Blanc, Managing Director MKTG FRANCE
Gerald Karsenti, Chairman SAP France
Hanno Klausmeier, Managing Director, SAP Labs France
Emmanuelle Brun Neckebrock, Deputy CEO and Administrative and Financial Director, SAP France
Tine Vandenbreeden, Chief Operating Officer, SAP France.
Nicolas Savary, Deputy Managing Director in charge of industries, SAP France.
Hubert Cotté, Director Mid Market & Channels, SAP France
Orlando Appell, Digital Innovation Director DBS, SAP France
Erik Marcade, Director of SAP Labs Paris / SAP VP Advanced Analytics Products
Caroline Garnier, France Human Resources Director SAP
Sandra Lotodé, Director of Social Relations, SAP France
Stéphane Gillet, Managing Director SAP Concur
Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, Director and Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas
Philippe Bordenave COO (Chief Operating Officer) BNP Paribas
Michel Konczaty Deputy Chief Operating Officer BNP Paribas
Jacques D’Estais, Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Head of International Financial Services BNP Paribas
Thierry Laborde, Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Head of Domestic Markets BNP Paribas
Yann Gérardin, Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Head of Corporate and Institutional Banking BNP Paribas
Marguerite Bérard, Head of French Retail Banking BNP Paribas
Marie-Claire Capobianco, Director of Growth and Enterprises BNP Paribas
Laurent David, Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas Personal Finance
Stefaan Decraene, Head of International Retail Banking BNP Paribas
Renaud Dumora, Chief Executive Officer BNP Paribas Cardif
Nathalie Hartmann, Head of Compliance BNP Paribas
Max Jadot, CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of BNP Paribas Fortis
Yves Martrenchar, Head of Group Human Resources BNP Paribas
Andrea Munari CEO and General Manager of BNL
Alain Papiasse, Chairman of Corporate and Institutional Banking, Oversee the Group’s Activity in North America and The United Kungdom BNP Paribas
Éric Raynaud, Head of Asia-Pacific Region BNP Paribas
Frank Roncey, Chief Risk Officer BNP Paribas
Antoine Sire, Director of the Company Engagement Department BNP Paribas
Thierry Varène, Global Head for Large Clients BNP Paribas
Alain Ducasse , President of the brand / Les Collectionneurs
Xavier Alberti, CEO / Les Collectionneurs
Carole Pourchet, General Manager / Les Collectionneurs
Laure Peybernès, Communication Director les Collectionneurs
Pierre Lacan, Digital Director / Les Collectionneurs
Loïc Duranson, Network Director / Les Collectionneurs
Fernando Hipolito, CFO / Les Collectionneurs
Didier Jourdanneau, JobHospitality Director / Les Collectionneurs
Morgan Lomenec’h, Marketing & Community Director Les Collectionneurs / Co-leader of LGBTech_FR
Jérôme Sannac, Cadhi – Central purchasing Director / Les Collectionneurs
Gilles Pélisson, CEO Groupe TF1
Stéphane Pallez, CEO FDJ
Alain Melon, CEO HPE France
Lionel Lesguer, Project manager in Écouflant. Committed to Women’s Rights, Equality FH, School harassment
Michael Zenevre, Ecologue – CEO EI Lorraine and Vosges (ex. Cgpme) – exVice President CESER Lor and Grand Est – Independent entrepreneur since 1988
Bruno Le Maire , Minister of the Economy, Finance and the Recovery
Jérôme Fournel, General Director Public Finance
Marlène Schiappa, Minister Delegate for Citizenship, attached to the Minister of the Interior
Frédéric Oudéa , Societe Generale Chief Executive Officer
Diony Lebot, Societe Generale Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Philippe Aymerich, Societe Generale Deputy Chief Executive Officer
William Kadouch-Chassaing, Societe Generale Deputy General Manager, Head of Finance
Slawomir Krupa, Societe Generale Deputy General Manager, Head of the Global Banking and Investor Solutions activities
Sébastien Proto, Societe Generale Deputy General Manager in charge of the Societe Generale, Crédit du Nord, Private Banking networks and their Innovation, Technology and IT division
Caroline Guillaumin, Societe Generale Group Head of Human Resources and Group Head of Communication
Philippe Perret , Société Générale CEO Assurances Insurance Asset management IOT Digital Innovation SG_Assurances
Gabriela Belaid, CEO of Centrale Supelec au Feminin – IT Project Director
Patrick NOSSENT, Chairman of Certivea and Cerway, director of HQE-GBC, Qualitel and SBA
André Bodson, Adviser to the French minister of Equality
Vincent Thiery, Director of the Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne region at BNP Paribas (Spokesperson)
Aside from the members of the Executive Committee, the members of the G100 (the group of the first 100 senior executives) of BNP-Paribas have been signatories of #JamaisSansElles since January 2021. They are present in more than 14 countries around the world.
In addition to the members of the General Management, the 52 members of the Societe Generale Executive Committee are also signatories of the #JamaisSansElles charter.
Minister of Economy, Finance and Recovery
Marie-Anne BARBAT-LAYANI, Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Recovery
Isabelle Braun-Lemaire, Director-General of Customs and Excise
Jean-Luc Tavernier, Director-General of INSEE
Virginie Beaumeunier, Director-General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention
Amélie Verdier, Budget Director
Emmanuel Moulin, Director General of the Treasury
Thomas Courbe, Entreprise Director-General
Maryvonne Le Brignonen, Director-General TR
Laure Bédier, Director of Legal Affairs
Marie-Christine Lepetit, General Inspectorate of Finance
Michel Grévoul, State Purchasing Director
Martin Vial, Director General of the Agency for State Holdin
Luc Rousseau, VP of the General Council for the Economy, Industry, Energy and Technology
Hélène Crocquevieille, Head of General Economic and Financial Control
Armelle Degeneve, Director of Agency for State Financial Reporting (AIFE
Pierre PELOUZET, Business Mediator
Eric Belfayol, Head of MICAF (Interministerial Anti-Fraud Coordination Service)
Christophe Baulinet, Economic and Financial Ministries Mediator
Manuel Bissey, Cybersecurity and Risk Magement Executive Microsoft
The first French ambassadors, ambassadresses and consuls in the world and #JamaisSansElles signatories, who have committed themselves personally, as well as on behalf of their embassies.
David Martinon, Ambassador for Cyber Diplomacy and the Digital economy
Yves Saint-Geours, French Ambassador to Spain
Jean-Michel Casa, Portuguese Embassy
Stéphane Crouzat, French Ambassador to Ireland
Michèle Ramis, French Ambassadress to Romania
Pierre-Henri Guignard, French Ambassador to Argentina
Julien Bouchard, Consul General of France in Buenos Aires
Anne Grillo, French Ambassadress to Mexico
Romain Nadal, French Ambassador to Venezuela
Anne-Claire Legendre, French Consul General in New York
Jean-Matthieu Bonnel, French Consul General in Kyoto, Japan
Marie Masdupuy, French Ambassadress to Kuwait
Cécile Longé, French Ambassadress to Bahrain.
Ludovic Pouille, French Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates
Gilles Garachon, French Ambassador to Thailand
Eric Lebédel, French Ambassador to Bulgaria
Véronique Brumeaux, French Ambassadress to Benin
Nicolas Suran, French Ambassador at the Political and Security Committee of the EU (COPS), Brussels
Hélène Le Gal, French Ambassadress to Israël
Réné Troccaz, French Ambassador to Cyprus
Delphine Borione, French Ambassadress in Rome for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Valéry Freland, Consul General in Boston
Laurence Haguenauer, Consul General of France in Québec
Emmanuel Lebrun-Damiens, Consul General of France in San Francisco
Guillaume Lacroix, Consul General of France in Chicago
Sujiro Seam, French Ambassador in Suva (Fidji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga et Tuvalu)
Jonathan Lacôte, French Ambassador in Armenia
Hugues Moret, French Ambassador in Uruguay
Anne-Marie Descôtes, French Ambassadress to Germany
Coralie Dubost, LREM MP for Hérault (3rd district), 1st VP of the LREM parliamentary group, in charge of relations with the government.
Guillaume Vuilletet, LREM MP for Val d’Oise (2nd district), Secretary of the National Assembly.
Laure de la Raudière, Agir La Droite constructive MP, Eure-et-Loir (3rd district).
Yves Jégo, UDI MP for Seine-et-Marne (3rd district), VP of the National Assembly, elected representative for Montereau, first VP of the UDI
Stéphanie Kerbarh, LREM MP for Seine-Maritime (9th district), Committee on Sustainable Development and Town and Country Planning.
Pierre Cabaré, LREM MP for Haute Garonne (1st district), VP of the delegation for women’s rights and equal opportunities between men and women, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee
Denis Masséglia, LREM MP for Maine-et-Loire (5th district), Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Committee, VP France-USA.
Laurianne Rossi, LREM MP for Hauts-de-Seine (11th district).
Valérie Oppelt, LREM MP for Loire-Atlantique (2nd district).
Philippe Chalumeau, LREM MP for Indre-et-Loire (1st distrcit), president of the France-Syria study group.
Emilie Guerel, LREM MP for Var (7th district). Rapporteur for the fact-finding mission on the Universal National Service.
Fabienne Colboc, LREM MP for Indre-et-Loire (4th district), Cultural Affairs and Education Committee, in charge of text on fight against misinformation.
Patrick Mignola, MoDem MP for Savoie (4th district), regional councillor Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
Isabelle Florennes, MoDem MP for Hauts-de-Seine (4th district)
Élodie Jacquier-Laforge, MoDem MP for Isère (9th district), VP of Groupe MoDem, Whip of the Law Commission.
Albane Gaillot, LREM MP for Val De Marne, (11th district).
Audrey Dufeu-Schubert, LREM MP for Loire-Atlantique (8th district).
Brigitte Bourguignon, LREM MP for Pas-de-Calais (6th district), president of the Social Affairs Committee, president of the Haut Conseil du Travail Social (HCTS).
Ludovic Mendes, LREM MP for Moselle (2nd district), Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, Whip for European Affairs, Chair GE Déchets (Waste), GE rénovation des quartiers (Neighbourhoods Renovation).
Olivia Gregoire, LREM MP for Paris (12th district), member of the Finance Committee, spokesperson for LREM group in the National Assembly.
Delphine O, LREM MP for Paris (16th district), Rapporteur working group ReformeAN, Middle East Specialist.
Paula Forteza, LREM MP (2nd district), for French citizens living abroad.
Bérangère Abba, LREM MP for Haute-Marne (1st district), Sustainable Development and Town and Country Planning Committee.
Mireille Clapot, LREM MP for Drôme (1st district), VP of the Foreign Affairs Committee.
Danielle Brulebois, LREM MP for Jura (1st district), Sustainable Development and Town and Country Planning Committee, Secretary of the National Assembly
Didier Baichere, LREM MP for Yvelines (1st district), Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces Committee
Erwan Balanant, MoDem MP for Finistère (8th district), Law Commissioner, member of the Gender Equality Delegation.
Matthieu Orphelin, LREM MP for Maine-et-Loire (1st district), Sustainable Development, Public Works and Regional Planning Committee.
Bruno Fuchs, MoDem MP for Haut-Rhin (6th district), VP of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie.
Sarah El Hairy, MoDem MP for Loire Atlantique (5th district), MoDem spokesperson.
Michel Zumkeller, UDI MP for Territoire de Belfort (2nd district), UDI Secretary General.
Michèle Peyron, LREM MP for Seine-et-Marne (9th district), Social Affairs Committee
Bérangère Couillard, LREM MP for Gironde (7th district), Commissioner for Sustainable Development and Regional Planning, member of the Delegation for Women’s Rights.
Marion Lenne, LREM MP for Haute Savoie (5th district), Foreign Affairs Committee, president of the Franco-Suisse Friendship Group.
Guillaume Gouffier-Cha, LREM MP for Val-de-Marne (6th district), National Defence and Armed Forces Committee.
Natalia Pouzyreff, LREM MP for Yvelines (6th district), National Defence and Armed Forces Committee.
Vincent Ledoux, AGIR du Nord MP (10th district), Finance Committee, elected representative of the European Metropolis of Lille
Antoine Herth, AGIR MP for Bas-Rhin (5th district), Economic Affairs Committee
Aurore Bergé, LREM MP for Yvelines (10th district), liberal, feminist, European, spokesperson of the LREM group in the National Assembly, Culture and Education Committee.
Monique Iborra, LREM MP for Haute-Garonne (6th district), VP of the Social Affairs Committee.
Tokia Saïfi, AGIR-La Droite constructive MEP, European People’s Party group (Christian Democrats), 1st VP International Trade Committee, member of the AFET (Committee on Foreign Affairs).
Dominique David, LREM MP for Gironde (1st district), Finance Committee.
Alexandre Holroyd, LREM MP for French citizen living in Northern Europe, Finance & European Affairs Committee, President of GA France-UK, Secretary of the Brexit Mission.
Olivier Véran, LREM MP for Isère (1st district), General Rapporteur of the Social Affairs Committee, Regional Councillor
Céline Calvez, LREM MP for Hauts-de-Seine (5th district), Member of the Committee on Cultural Affairs and Education, Women’s Rights Delegation.
Benjamin Griveaux, LREM MP for Paris (5th district) Member of the National Defence and Armed Forces Committee
Florence Provendier, LREM MP for Hauts-de-Seine, Member of the Committee on Cultural Affairs and Education
Mickael Nogal, LREM MP for Haute Garonne (4th District), Vice-President of the Economic Affairs Committee
Olivier Damaisin, LREM MP for Lot et Garonne (3rd district), Member of the Finance Committee, Special Rapporteur on Pensions / Retreats, National Alliance-Centrist Secretary
Alexandre Freschi, LREM MP for Lot-et-Garonne (2nd district) Member of the Cultural Affairs and Education Committee
Thomas MESNIER, LREM MP for Charente – Member of the Social Affairs Committee
Samantha Cazebonne , LREM MP for French living abroad, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Jean-Luc Lagleize, MoDem MP for Haute Garonne, Secretary of the Economic Affairs Committee
Fabien Matras, LREM MP for Var, Member of the Law Commission
Eric Pouillat, LREM MP for Gironde, Member of the Law Commission. Vice-president of the Delegation for Local Authorities and Decentralization
Colette Mélot, Senator for Seine-et-Marne
Cyril Pellevat, Senator for Haute-Savoie, VP of the European Affairs, secretary of the Committee on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development.
Marta de Cidrac, Senator for Yvelines, Committee on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Women’s Rights Delegation – President, Balkans Interparliamentary Group.
Fabienne Keller, Senator for Bas-Rhin, VP Com Finances, official elected in Strasbourg, former spokesperson for Alain Juppé, National Delegate for Agir.
Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam, Senator for French Citizens living abroad. Secretary of the Armed forces, Defense, and Foreign Affairs Committee. VP of the Delegation for Women’s Rights and Equality of Opportunity between Men and Women. National Secretary for Les Républicains.
Yves Détraigne, Senator for Marne, Member of the Court of Justice of the Republic, Witry-lès-Reims City Councillor.
Max Brisson, Senator for Pyrénées-Atlantiques (Nouvelle Aquitaine), VP of the Delegation for Women’s Rights and Equality of Opportunity between Men and Women, Culture, Education and Communication Committee.
Nathalie Delattre, Senator for Gironde (Nouvelle Aquitaine), VP of the Committee for Constitutional Acts, Legislation, Universal Suffrage, Standing Orders and General Administration.