#JamaisSansElles is a co-creative movement that has federated a very committed community on Twitter around #JamaisSansElles. It has increased the scope of the messages and developed the movement’s notoriety. Far from being a one-off occurrence, the hashtag is alive and well and has not stopped growing over the past 18 months.
The community has given wings to #JamaisSansElles
Every day the hashtag is used to share news and comments and to raise awareness of issues relating to diversity and gender equality. It has become a powerful vehicle in encouraging citizens, decision-makers, events organizers and politicians to talk about the lack of women in public discussians and institutions.
Some figures: between January 2016 and today there have been nearly 20 000 contributors, 75 000 tweets and retweets posted, 350 million impressions, and potentially 50 million people reached.
Citizen Vigilance
The community sometimes challenges or denounces but the #JamaisSansElles approach is based on positive action. It contributes to fact checking the signatories. The public keeps watch and shares. A picture of an event that is composed 100% of men leaves a strong impression on both women and men. The time for simple declarations or demonstrating good intentions is over.
#JamaisSansElles signifies respecting commitments and keeping one’s word; implementing concrete actions for gender equality. It is not a question of opposing or imposing oneself, but of collaborating. Benevolence is essential
The community helps to find women speakers
Organizers regularly come to the association #JamaisSansElles in search of qualified female speakers to balance their panels or programs. You too can watch out for ad-hoc requests for women who are talented, experts in their field and relevant women, too often missing form panels and TV and radio shows.
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